Friday, May 23, 2008

Resurrection V/S Reincarnation

There was a time when the Church would wildly defend the idea that the earth is flat until proven wrong by scientists. There was a time, as well, right in the middle of the 17th century, when a fierce conflict broke, opposing scientists like Galileo and Church representatives, over the question of whether earth was revolving around the sun or not, and the church representatives would publicly state that the idea that the Sun is stationary is "foolish and absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts in many places the sense of Holy Scripture..."; while the Earth's movement was also considered as an heretical idea, contrary to theological 'truth'. Up to this day, it is still with the same persistence that they would defend the idea of the resurrection of Jesus and his bodily ascent to heaven, despite the fact that many of the church ministers, priests and bishops themselves have come to doubt the literal meaning of resurrection.

How can we know that Jesus did survive crucifixion and continued to live hereafter? Simply because there are evidences of his presence elsewhere after the time of crucifixion, and even a tomb in Srinagar, Kashmir, which many people believe to be his own. He did not die on the cross, and was probably found in a state of coma when removed from there. I will come to that issue in detail later.

Let me first deal with that question of bodily ascent of Christ. Every living creature dies; human beings, animals, and plants are all subjected to the same law of life and death. The only one in history of mankind to have escaped death, according to the Church, is Jesus! All prophets of the world have eventually died one day: Mohammed, Krishna, Siddharta Gautama, Rama, Mahavir, etc…..For the Church, Jesus is the only one who does not die because he is of divine essence. This gives Jesus divine authority on earth and also a supremacy over all other prophets and saints. Some would also say that this spectacular ‘miracle’ is the confirmation that his message is the one to be listened to among all others.

I will not try to diminish the value of his message by any means. Actually, what I am going to tell you in the rest of this article is not meant to undervalue his message in any way. For me, he is still the enlightened being with a mission to lead others to truth. But I hope you realize that this idea that Jesus rose from the dead can indeed have a negative effect in the mind set of those who share it, the Christians in general, even leading them to believe that other religions inspired by the ‘simple human beings and mortals’ can only be inferior compared to the true religion of Christ.

What I am trying to do here is to show to my readers the universality of world religions. If God, the unique God I believe in, is the inspiration behind the major religions of the world, then, it shouldn’t be a problem to reconcile the messages of their founders to mankind. But in the case of Christianity as it is, the concept of resurrection is a serious obstacle in achieving this. You will find now that Jesus himself has never taught this concept of resurrection to his disciples, that this is an idea that crept in among the early church fathers probably, but it ended up influencing the whole western world through the Christian churches.

Resurrection is a religious theory suggesting the possibility of human beings to rise again from death in their own body and flesh. In other words, dead people simply sleep until they are woken up for final judgement at the end of time. Reincarnation, on the other hand, is the idea that the soul migrates from one body to another, that when any living entity dies, its spirit or soul leaves the dead body and may enter a new body (That of a new-born entity).

With religions that predate Christianity, there is the belief that man is born again several times on earth and goes through the cycle of birth and death until he frees himself from the shackles of his mortal body. Hindus believe in rebirth, Buddhists as well believe in it. If you study the Bible closely, you will find that Jews as well, at the time of Jesus and before the time of Jesus, also believed in rebirth.

In Matthew, chapter 16, Verse 13-14, we can read the following:

Now when Jesus came into the parts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Who do men say that the Son of man is? And they said, Some [say] John the Baptist; some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.”

(Read here as well)

In other words, they are suggesting that others around them thought that Jesus was Elijah, John the Baptist or Jeremiah born again. Why would they say such a thing if, in their time, around that period, there wasn’t the belief that man could be born again? You will note that Jesus himself doesn’t correct them in saying that.

It is true that the bible contains arguments against reincarnation and rebirth, but most of these arguments come in the writings of people living after crucifixion of Jesus. This belief in resurrection, bodily resurrection, seems to have appeared with the early church fathers, who had to explain to the mass, the disappearance of Jesus after he was raised from the dead, and therefore was born the idea of Jesus’ bodily ascent to heaven. It is very much possible that the close disciples of Jesus themselves had to come up with an explanation, and they simply could not reveal the truth to the rest of his followers because it could endanger the life of their master. It is possible that they themselves invented the idea that God, the Father, took back Jesus, his Son, in Heaven.

Resurrection is a concept that Paul would defend scrupulously in his letters afterwards. In Corinthians, Chapter 15, verses 12-14, he states:

‘Now if Christ is preached that he hath been raised from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, neither hath Christ been raised: and if Christ hath not been raised, then is our preaching vain, your faith also is vain.’

It should be noted that Paul himself had never known Jesus personally and had never met Jesus himself. He became a follower after having a vision of him on his way to Damascus. And it happened after the crucifixion of Jesus. But nevertheless, it is the Pauline version of the story that has survived up to this day and is considered as the official version. It is the Pauline version of the story which is expressed in the four canonical gospels of the New Testament. If I had to choose in between who to follow, Jesus or Paul, I would choose Jesus!! Not Paul!! The church father, Iranaeus, in his treaty entitled ‘Against heresies’ in 178 AD stated that Christians believe in the resurrection of the Physical body, in the same way that Jesus himself resurrected in his body. Very soon, I will show you that Jesus, in fact, never died on the cross, but regained consciousness inside the tomb. And therefore, that the whole concept of resurrection is, in fact, a false doctrine propagated by the church fathers, when in reality, Jesus taught something else, more in line with the philosophy of the East: Karma and rebirth.

I will now quote a series of sayings attributed to Jesus in one gospel written by the apostle John himself……Yes! A gospel written by one of the 12 apostles of Jesus, and approved by the rest of the apostles…It does exist. It has been called the ‘Gospel of Holy Twelve’ by the translator of the text, the irish Rev. Ouseley. (Look here) I will present the details of the origin of this gospel in another article. For the time being, let me quote the appropriate sayings of Jesus to support this idea I am trying to convey here.

In the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna, the God-incarnate states the following:

"Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, I perpetually cast into transmigration, into various demoniac species of life" (16,19). And also: "Those who worship me and surrender all their activities unto me, being devoted to me without hesitation, engaged in devotional service and meditating unto me, I deliver them quickly from the ocean of birth and death" (12,6-7).

In the Gospel as written by John, Jesus is reported as saying:

As ye do unto others, so shall it be done to you. As ye give, so shall it be given unto you. As ye judge others, so shall ye be judged. As ye serve others, so. shall ye be served.
For God is just, and rewardeth every one according to their works. That which they sow they shall also reap
.” Lection 18, verses 11-12

This is the law of Karma as taught by Krishna as well in the Bhagavad Gita. Christians who refute the idea of reincarnation or rebirth generally have no explanation to the fact that babies too can start suffering from their tender age, and they can be born blind or sick from birth. Orthodox Christians might tell us that these babies have not yet sinned themselves but they are suffering for the sins of their parents. Jesus’ statement on the contrary, provides a clear and logical explanation to the cause of suffering of mankind. We can only suffer because of our own deeds, not because of the deeds of our parents, grand-parents, etc….

Lection 24, verse 4, Jesus also states:

And Iesus spake unto them of the law of love and the unity of all life in the one family of God. And he also said, As ye do in this life to your fellow creatures, so shall it be done to you in the life to come.”

Or Lection 34, verse 10,

For as ye have done in this life, so shall it be done unto you in the life to come.’

Newton’s third law states that for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. Science is also in line with the theory of Karma and rebirth as taught by Krishna and Jesus. Will the Church follow?

For a more in-depth discussion on the subject, read here

I'd like to quote someone on the same subject here:

"First you have to define the word "religion". If, by religion, you mean the teachings of the original founder of the religion, that is one question. If, by "religion," you mean what the current followers believe, that is a different question.

I'll start with the first question, and this is my opinion and conclusions after 30 years of study.

All of the founders of the world's major religions not only believed in reincarnation, but they could see it directly and had first-hand knowledge. It was not always prominent in their teachings. That depended on the spiritual needs of the people they were helping, on what they needed to understand, and what they could understand. Generally, it was something that was understood by the close followers and by followers who had studied the esoteric side of religion. Every religion has an esoteric side, a mystical branch. In the mystical branch of every religion, you will find reincarnation. It is not usually given great importance *in and of itself*, but it is important as it fits in with the overall scheme of things. Reincarnation is simply birth, life, and death, with the one addition that these things are assumed to be cyclical. So, in the larger picture, birth has its importance, no more. Life has its importance, death has its importance, and the state between lives has its own importance. Reincarnation simply says that these things repeat in cyclical fashion.

There are clear references to reincarnation in the version of the Christian New Testament that has come down to us. I think that origially there were more, but they were edited out. Reincarnation as a doctrine was taught by many of the early Church fathers until it, along with the doctrine of the pre-existence of the soul, was declared "anathema" by the Fifth General Counsel convened in 553 AD by Emperor Justinian, against the wishes of the Pope who boycotted the meeting. In the 13th century, a group of Christians called the Cathars in France were the first to be persecuted in the Inquisition, partly for their belief in reincarnation.

Meanwhile, the philosopher Plato taught reincarnation, but that portion of his teaching is not taken seriously by most philosophers today, even those who specialize in Plato. Perhaps they feel that he just had a "senior moment" when he taught that idea, and they forgive him for it.

Now, to the second question, what the modern-day followers of the religions believe. This is obviously going to be a matter of percentages. We know that 25% of Americans, for example, believe in reincarnation, but I don't know the statistical breakdown for Christians. However, I do know that some percentage of Christians do believe in reincarnation. Here is a sample web page:

A large percentage of people who consider themselves to be Christians believe that the Bible teaches against reincarnation. First of all the Bible does not speak with one voice, nor is it one homogeneous work. It is a compilation of writings, not all of which agree. Some of it has been edited by well-meaning people trying to clarify something, or by people trying to promote a philosophical or political agenda. So in portions of the New Testament you can find clear indications of reincarnation; and in other portions, you can find clear pronouncements against it. What Christians who do not believe in reincarnation tend to do is to ignore the indications for reincarnation, and quote the sections against it.

However, you will find that most of the portions of the New Testament which teach against reincarnation were written by Paul. And most of the sections which show a clear indication for reincarnation are quoting Jesus or involve a story about the disciples asking Jesus a question.

So I think if there is a discrepancy, I would prefer to trust what Jesus said than what Paul said.

To see an example of the New Testament where reincarnation is clearly referred to, look at John 9:1. There, the disciples are asking Jesus a question. They obviously have been debating amongst themselves, about the reason that a man was born blind. They put to Jesus the two most likely explanations: 1) that the man sinned, or 2) that his parents sinned.

Since the man was born blind, if he sinned to cause the blindness, it would have to have been before he was born. Since we cannot assume that the disciples were so stupid as to believe that a fetus can sin to such a degree as to deserve to be born blind, there is no alternative except that the disciples gave the first explanation as that the man sinned in a previous lifetime.

The second explanation that the disciples gave to Jesus was that the man's parents sinned. This is the traditional explanation. So in these two alternatives, the disciples are giving Jesus the esoteric explanation, and the traditional explanation.

Jesus answers that it was neither, it was for the glory of God to be manifest. This exchange is typical of a spiritual master and his disciples. Jesus was not refuting either answer, but he was taking the question to a higher level, in my opinion. His exact meaning is open to interpretation. Either the man chose to be born blind before he incarnated; or this is a philosophical answer about the nature of suffering, that the end-result is to glorify God when suffering is handled properly. But the answer does not refute either alternative explanation offered.

Therefore, Jesus had the clear opportunity to refute reincarnation, and He didn't do so. This means that reincarnation was taken for granted by the disciples in their intimate conversations with Jesus.

However, we know from the New Testament that Jesus spoke openly with the disciples, but did not speak to the masses without using parables.

Consider this parable, taken from the Gospel of Thomas, which is from the Nag Hammadi documents, paragraph #109:

Jesus said, "The kingdom is like a man who had a hidden treasure in his field without knowing it. And after he died, he left it to his son. The son did not know (about the treasure). He inherited the field and sold it. And the one who bought it went plowing and found the treasure. He began to lend money at interest to whomever he wished." (Thomas O. Lambdin translation)
Here, the treasure is the soul within, and the knowledge of the soul within, which is one with God. The field is the body and the field of experiences in this physical world.

Dying and leaving it to his son means, reincarnating. In the next incarnation he also does not know about the soul within. Selling the field means incarnating again.

Finally, in this next incarnation, the man begins "plowing". Plowing means, to search within oneself for the truth, for the answers to one's questions.

This man who plows, finds the treasure, the direct knowledge of the soul within, which he finds is in and one with God, or Existence itself.

Once he has that experiential knowledge, he begins teaching others. "Lending money with interest" means giving others this treasure, and "with interest" means that when these people have gained this knowledge, they in turn teach others.

So in my opinion this is a sample of Jesus's original teachings about reincarnation, put in parable form to prevent people who weren't ready for it from understanding it.

That parable still works, by the way. People who are ready to understand it, get the meaning immediately. People who aren't ready for it never believe my explanation.

Indeed, life is not meaningless, except in our imagination and dulled perception. Life is so full of meaning that it would overwhelm you if you got a glimpse of it. It is so full of meaning that people who are awakened to the presence of God may look at one small object and be absorbed in the deep meaning of just that small thing for hours. Life is also a supreme adventure, a great quest, and that quest has tremendous meaning. Any suffering we experience is a challenge, an opportunity to be courageous and bring out the best in oneself. A study of the reports of people who have had near-death experiences is instructive. They tell us just how meaningful life is, and what is really important.

I hope this helped answer your questions.

Best regards,
Stephen S."

If there is reincarnation, there is reincarnation for everyone. It's not based upon beliefs of people. If it is true for a Hindu or a Buddhist, it is also true for a Christian, a Jew or a Muslim. If reincarnation is real, then it is real for everyone. If it is real, then it is not real according to beliefs of people, but it would be a law of the universe. For me, it's just like the Copernicus' theories of heliocentrism being rejected by the Church in the past. One day, eventually, humanity will have to realise that the teachings of the great masters as they know it, have been significantly distorted over time by those who had the power to do it.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

DVD: The Lost years of Jesus (1976)

In 1976, film maker Richard Bock made a movie on the missing years of Jesus, based on the Notovitch manuscript, Edgar Cayce's readings of the Akashic Records, and statements of other religious figures and saints of India like Sathya Sai Baba and Yogananda Paramahansa. This film is now available on DVD through Here

You can also watch an excerpt here:

"He will do what I didn't do!!"

“He will do what I didn’t do!!” For a long time, I’ve been wondering what could be that thing which he didn’t do and which would be worth doing today. Well, he didn’t tell everyone where he was going after crucifixion. He was a condemned man. It is very natural that, in case he survived crucifixion, he would want to keep his whereabouts as secret as possible, telling only his closest friends and disciples perhaps, that’s all.

That’s what should be told today to the whole world. Where he went!!! Because, if they knew, their attitude would be different. If today’s christians were to know where Jesus went after surviving crucifixion, a lot of things would be different for them. The whole concept of resurrection, in Christian theology, would have to be revised, if not abolished. It would be replaced by a notion which is more in line with what Jesus taught himself: reincarnation and Karma.

Most devout representatives of the church will always strongly defend the resurrection story because they believe it is crucial to the faith of Christians. Today, many devout Christians say the resurrection is essential to the faith of the people. They say that if there was no resurrection, then Jesus is not divine and needs not have a host of followers like he does today. For me, this is the most foolish statement I’ve ever heard. Jesus often said that people needed signs to believe….They need miracles in order to have faith. But what if humanity decided to mature a bit and realise that faith can also be spontaneous. That someone who went through all this suffering to prove to mankind his goodwill has nothing to prove anymore. Miracles touch the imagination of people, not their heart. You need more than miracles to touch people’s heart. You need love. And this is something that Jesus has always showered so generously on the whole of humanity. And he still is!!

The world needs to mature a bit, to become adults finally and recognize the good that has been done to them and be grateful. Don’t think that Jesus is an ordinary being. You would be making a very serious mistake. The mistake lies in your eye sight? Correct that mistake in your eye sight and then, you will see Jesus in all his splendour…..And you don’t need a resurrection for that!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

BBC Doc: Hidden story of Jesus

Here's another documentary which aired on the occasion of Christmas 2007 on BBC Channel 4. It's a documentary by theologian Robert Beckford, where he studies how Jesus is viewed by different religious groups from the Jews, to Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and Christians themselves. It will give you an idea to what extent Jesus' message have had an importance in the set of beliefs of these different religious groups, the role that he still plays for them today. You will be surprised by this. But there's also a glimpse of the Rozabal tomb in Kashmir which many researchers believe to be the tomb of Jesus after he escaped crucifixion and came to Kashmir where he died at an old age!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

BBC documentary: Did Jesus die?

This is the documentary of Richard Denton for BBC aired in 2001 and dealing with the question of whether Jesus did die or not on the cross. Many well-known theologians and priests have been interviewed on the subject. You can watch the documentary here:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

You can also read an interview of the director of this documentary, Richard Denton, here.

Did Jesus Die?



Friday 11 July 2003

BBC Four: Your central question is did Jesus die on the cross rather than did Jesus die at all.
Richard Denton: It is really. I originally wanted to call it The Body of Christ because that seems to me to be the crucial question. Obviously he died at some point, but when and how is the question.

BBC Four: How do you think he might have survived crucifixion?
RD: Crucifixion took up to three days; the maximum he was on the cross for was nine hours, it might even have been six. And even if you read the gospels Pontius Pilate is clearly surprised that he's already dead and wants to be reassured by the centurion that he really is dead. My personal take on it would be that he goes into a shock induced coma, and probably they thought he was dead.

BBC Four: If he did survive why do you think it's not related in that way in the gospels?
RD: First of all, they would think it was a miraculous resurrection. You don't have to think of that as a conspiracy theory or a lie, it's just a mistake. What you then have to do is get him out of the way. The real question doesn't hang over the resurrection, which I think is explicable. The real question hangs over him ascending into heaven.

BBC Four: You make the point that the Ascension isn't actually mentioned in the gospels.
RD: It's not in any of the original versions of the gospels which is astonishing. It was in the last 16 verses of Mark, which were put in 300 years after and it's inserted, in a sentence, into some versions of Luke because he was assumed to have written the Acts and it's mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles. That I think is the lie, the cover story to get him out of the country.

BBC Four: If Jesus was revived in this way where then did he go?
RD: One story is that he gets out and goes to the South of France with Mary Magdalene, there is a certain amount of evidence that she went there. And the other is that he goes to India and there are a number of versions of this. One of which suggests that in fact he had already been to India during the missing years between 12 and 29.

BBC Four: It was very interesting the parallel between the story of the three kings and the search for a reincarnated Lama…
RD: Absolutely, we explore that and the similarities between the miracles and the teachings of the Buddha and Jesus in the programme. And of course Buddha pre-dates Jesus by about 500 years, so it's not unreasonable that he may have gone to India, learned Buddhist teaching and brought it back. Then when he returns to India after the crucifixion he carries on the ministry in Kashmir until he dies at the age of 80.

BBC Four: What actually prompted you to start exploring this topic?
RD: I was intrigued because most academic theologians and intelligent churchmen, or a very significant number of them, do not believe that the resurrection is the literal truth. It's a metaphor to tell us that there is hope. Whilst not saying that it's a literal truth they don't actually say it's a lie, but if you're saying something's not literal truth then you are saying it's a lie. I was shocked that none of the people we interviewed, with the exception of the Cannon of Westminster, believed it was true. Yet if they don't think it's true what on earth do they think is the motivation behind writing the story in the Bible?

BBC Four: You say that the resurrection and the literal truth of the Gospel have in the past been the cornerstone of Christianity.
RD: Exactly. And the idea that you can go on preaching this to the ordinary faithful while not believing it yourself seemed to me truly offensive. So what I was looking for was another version of the story that had the possibility of being historically true, that could have been misinterpreted by the people at the time, so that what they said was not a lie, it was the way they understood it.

BBC Four: And in the end have you found that the most credible account?
RD: Yes, I think so. On the other hand I am a person who does not find the idea of rising from the dead and ascending into heaven credible. I'm faced with the choice, do I believe that the gospel writers were cunning liars or do I think they were simple men who misunderstood things and were amazed by this man.

BBC Four: And did these feet in ancient times walk upon England's mountains green?
RD: I personally don't think they did walk upon England's mountains green, I think they walked upon Kashmir's mountains green. They may have walked in France for all I know.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

About the Unknown life of Jesus

We can note with The unknown life of Issa that Jesus was a spiritual master with an open mind. He went to all those who were interested to listen to him; it has never been a question of restricting his sermon to the jews only. But in the canonical gospels, we get the wrong idea that he is a leader to the children of Israel as much as Moses had been before him. This text found in Hemis reveals that he was a universal master, interested in the relation of each one of us, with God, irrespective of race or religious affiliation.

In his rejection of the Vedas, I think we should not go to the extent of seeing in it the rejection of Brahmanism as a whole. A study of his teachings will reveal that, on the contrary, he has been deeply influenced by Vedantic wisdom. But what he rejected in the Vedas is the social status that was given to the brahmins as opposed to the rest of society. The brahmin priests were exploiting that position to get whatever they needed from the rest of the society. He wanted to eliminate the social injustices which the Brahmin priests were feeding on, and if that meant the rejection of the Vedas, then so be it! The Soudras and Vaisyas needed to be restored in their faith of God, and Jesus decided to help them in achieving that.

He also rejected idol worship wherever he went, including in India. It is clear that he wanted people to experience a direct relation with God the Creator, a relation that didn’t need any intermediaries like that which the priests occupied in their office. In other words, he wanted to free people from the obscurantism that had crept into religion over the centuries and establish again a new relation with God.

The Soudras and Vaisyas asked him to teach them how to pray. This show to what extent they have been kept in their ignorance for a long time, simply because the Brahmin priests did not judge them deserving enough to receive the ancient wisdom hidden in the sacred scriptures. For the brahmins, they were “inferiors” and should be left alone because of that. Jesus simply could not accept this and decided to help them out. Jesus taught them the religion of the heart. He said that the most important temple of God was their own heart and that they could find God there anytime. They did not need any intermediaries to achieve that, and certainly, not the Brahmin priests.

Jesus has been influenced by both Hindu and Buddhist wisdom. A close study of his teachings will reveal that very clearly. But he was teaching mankind to develop a new attitude in spirituality. To develop a simpler relation with God. His gospel is of an essential value to the whole world because it carries within it the seed of cultural and religious reconciliation. He taught us that God was closer than we think. For this, we should be grateful.

Jesus in India- A Film by Paul Davids

Very soon, a superb film by Paul Davids will be released, dealing with the missing years of Jesus, from 12 to 29. The film maker went across three continents, including Asia, to make this film.
You can watch a trailer on the main page. But when entering the site, you will also hear the movie score in the background, very beautiful music score by Brian Lambert.
The film maker interviewed many knowledgeable people in the process, Edward Martin, the Dalai Lama, The Shankaracharya, Elaine Pagels among others.