Friday, July 25, 2008

Bhavishya Purana

Bhavishya Mahapurana 115 AD

(Click on the photo for a clearer view)

One of the most cited documents by scholars (See Jeff Salz’s comment in previous video) who have interested themselves in the journey of Jesus to India is the Bhavishya Purana. This Purana (Meaning 'of ancient time' in sanskrit) is believed to be one of the eighteen Puranas written in sanskrit by Vedavyasa, the renowned sage, who, after having written the Mahabharatha, did not feel happy with its content, and decided to write the eighteen puranas to complement with wider explanation the philosophy of the Mahabharatha. While tradition stipulates that this Purana is indeed the work of Vedavysa, it is clear that this document contains texts written much later, with entries as late as the 19th century. Some scholars have also gone to the extent of suggesting that 'Vedavyasa' is actually a title given to the most learned and unbiaised sage of every era. Generally speaking, scholars are of opinion that the basic text of the Bhavishya Purana could have been written over a period of two millennia from 2rd to 3th century AD with additions as late as 1850 AD.

The important thing is that this document is one which contains references to Christianity, and most importantly to Jesus as being 'Isha Putra' or ‘The Son of God’, and his arrival in Kashmir, India is clearly described in this respected work of Hindu culture. He meets with King Shalivana of Kashmir who welcomes him in his land.

[Bhavishya Purana: Pratisarga Parva, Chaturyuga Khanda Dvitiyadhyayah, 19th Chapter, Texts 17 to 32] Transliteration of Sanskrit text:

pitr-rajyam grhitavan
jitva sakanduradharsams

tesam kosan-grhitva ca

sthapita tena maryada
mleccharyanam prthak-prthak
sindhusthanam iti jneyam
rastramaryasya cottamam

mlecchasthanam param sindhoh
krtam tena mahatmana
ekada tu sakadiso
himatungam samayayau

ekadaa tu shakadhisho
himatungari samaayayau
hunadeshasya madhye vai
giristhan purusam shubhano
dadarsha balaram raajaa

ko bharam iti tam praaha
su hovacha mudanvitah
iishaa purtagm maam viddhi
kumaarigarbha sambhavam

mleccha dharmasya vaktaram
satyavata paraayanam
iti srutva nrpa praaha
dharmah ko bhavato matah

shruto vaaca maharaja
prapte satyasya amkshaye
nirmaaryaade mlechadesh
mahiso 'ham samaagatah

mlecchasa sthaapito dharmo
mayaa tacchrnu bhuupate
maanasam nirmalam krtva
malam dehe subhaasbham

naiganam apamasthaya
japeta nirmalam param
nyayena satyavacasaa
manasyai kena manavah

dhyayena pujayedisham
acaloyam prabhuh sakshat-
athaa suuryacalah sada

isha muurtirt-dradi praptaa
nityashuddha sivamkari
ishamasihah iti ca
mama nama pratishthitam

iti shrutra sa bhuupale
natraa tam mlecchapujaam
sthaapayaamaasa tam tutra
mlecchasthaane hi daarune

svaraajyam praaptavaan raajaa
hayamedhan cikirat
rajyam krtva sa sasthyabdam
svarga lokamu paayayau

Here is an English translation of this passage (Quoted from Search for the historical Jesus by Prof. Fida Hassnain, pg 191):

During this period, Shalivahana, grandson of Vikrama-Ditya, laid hold on the kingdom of his father. He defeated the invincible Sakas (Scythians), and fought off the hordes from Cheen (China), Balhika (Bactria), Kamrupa (Parthia), Tatari (Mongolia), Roma (Rome- more probably Greece) and Khura (Khorasan).

He took possession of their treasures, and those who deserved punishments were punished. He also demarcated the border between the Aryans and the Mleechas (Amlekites), fixing the Sindhu (River Indus) as the boundary between the two peoples.

During this period, the king of the Sakas came to Himatunga (Himalayas). In the mountain area near Wyien, the king saw a dignified person of white complexion wearing a long white robe. Astonished to see this foreigner, he asked, ‘Who are you?’ The dignified person replied in a pleasant manner:

“Know me as Ishwara Putram, (or ‘Son of God’), or Kanaya Garbham (‘Born of a virgin’). Being given to truth and penances, I preach the truth to the Amlekites.

After hearing this, the king was astonished. He asked: Which religion do you preach? The dignified person replied:

O king, I come from a land far away, where there is no truth, and evil knows no limits. I appeared in the country of the Amlekites. And I suffered at their hands.

I appeared as Isha Masiha,(or Jesus the Messiah). I received Messia-hood or Christhood.

I said unto them, ‘Remove all mental and bodily impurities. Recite the revealed prayer. Pray truthfully in the right manner. Obey the Law. Remember the name of our Lord God. Meditate upon him whose abode is in the centre of the sun.’

When I appeared in the Amlekite country, I taught love, truth and purity of heart. I asked human beings to serve the Lord. But I suffered at the hands of the wicked and the guilty.

In truth, O King, all power rests with the Lord, who is in the centre of the sun. And the elements, and the cosmos, and the sun, and the God, are eternal. Perfect, pure and blissful, God is always in my heart. Thus my name has been established as Isha Masih.

After having heard the pious words from the lips of this distinguished person, I felt peaceful, made obeisance to him and returned.

In this document, we can find clear indication that the presence of Saint Isa, (Name also given to Jesus in Buddhist and Islamic texts) which we believe to be Jesus himself, has been noted in Kashmir and that he could indeed have come to India after surviving the ordeal of crucifixion. And traditions in India reveal that he came there and continued his ministry until his death.

Jesus’ appearance is described: he has a ‘golden’ complexion or fair complexion and wears white clothes, which is the colour worn by the Essenes in general (We will explain this in next articles). He says that he comes from the land of Mlechas- of the west therefore and that he is 'born of a virgin'. He says his name is Isha Putra, or Son of God. He is also called Isha Masihah, or Jesus the Messiah. And he describes the persecution he went through after he started teaching his own people. The name 'Isha' or 'Isa' is found in many cultures as referring to Jesus. In the Koran, Jesus is referred to as Isa. For the Buddhists, Jesus is called Isa. Sathya Sai Baba also affirms that Isa is the original name of Jesus. You can note how vital such a document can be in explaining the reasons for Jesus to come to India. Most probably, he could not stay in Palestine after being condemned there as a criminal by Roman authorities. The way to India is the most probable route he could have taken in an effort to leave Roman jurisdiction. It should also be noted that this region of Kashmir was already inhabited by a tribe of Jewish origin. Therefore Kashmir could have been elected as the new home of Jesus and he would still be among his own people there. We know, from Notovitch’s translation of scrolls found in Tibet, that Jesus already came to India before in his youth, and that he probably already knew this place and its people.


BobGriffin said...

Hi Neel,
Found your blog!

Am about to buy Chaturvedi's translation of the Bhavishya Purana through Amazon ($4.96 plus shipping). Have already ordered Daniel Gimaret's text and translation of the Ismaili version of the History of Balawhar waBudhasaf (interesting that almost no one speculates on the identity of Balawhar).

Sunday I hope to talk with someone about the history and traditions of the St. Thomas Christians of Kerala.

Be Well/Suki Hotu,
Bob Griffin
"It is useless to point out the highway to the man who desires to follow the byways"
PS I won't plague you here with comments or discussion.

Unknown said...

it is ammusing that bhavishya purana is written between 3rd TO 18TH AD. u ALL GUY MUST KNOW that purana is ritten before 5 thousand years .please stop seeing the vedik scripture with your psychic eyes.

Neel said...

Quote:"it is ammusing that bhavishya purana is written between 3rd TO 18TH AD. u ALL GUY MUST KNOW that purana is ritten before 5 thousand years"

Hello Sunil,
Thanks for your comment.

According to Hindu tradition, it was written by Sage Vyasa, same one who wrote the epic, the Mahabharatha.....But the content of the Bhavishya Puruna, reference to British rule in India, to Issa's coming to Kashmir...tend to lead us to believe that there has been additions to the text over the centuries....
The manuscript found by Prof Hassnain has been compiled by a sage called Sutta in the second century AD. Which means that people - or sages- were copying down the text, and most probably adding in new content!!
Read here

April 7, 2009 5:31 PM

Ranjit said...

I hope you folks don't waste your $$ on this biased work. Many religious losers (American losers and sword-wielding Islamists) have a well-financed agenda to discredit the Bible which stands undefeated! See - they date these writings by their so-called "scholars" conveniently and end up with conflicting dates - why? because it is imposssible for liars to agree.
But there is a story of the Purush Prajapati in Rig Ved; this speaks about the God to come once in human form to die for the sin of mankind, resurrect himself, and come again to take his people to heaven. The only historical person as of this point in history is Jesus the Christ. The Bible has all the details of the events as they happened. Believe or not - it remains the eternal Truth - the "ekam path" (ONE way) to salvation (mukti) as written in the Upanishad and Vedas. Your eternal destiny hinges on which you believe and base your life on: Salz etc and their diatribe cannot even give you clear facts - not a good idea to trust them with your eternal destiny.

Anonymous said...

hinduism has no contradictions with christianity, but as the blog starts with feeling of superiority, then it can be thought easily that hinduism is so much liberal that it give references of other religion without criticizing it. another thing is when jesus says himself as son of god, and hindus actually follows those whom they consider as god like rama and krishna, so, there is no point of superiority. that's why even in that era nobody became a christian, it's clear. because indians already knew what jesus showed to the other parts of world.

Anonymous said...

who was Jesus referring to as"Lord". If he was the son or messenger of the Lord, then that Lord had planned the whole drama of his life before he could dispatch him to fulfill his mission on earth.

Anonymous said...

Hmm! Many seek out these questionable "ancient" texts with absolutely no authentication, but they refuse to consider the more readily available Holy Bible which has been authenticated over the millennia. Why? They do not want to be held to a higher standard of goodness and morality by the living God. But remember: you will still stand in judgment before Him ultimately. Commonsense dictates that you start with what you have.
My experience is that these "mysticism" stuff is that it is all fluff by immoral, slick shysters in the eastern world. They laugh at the stupid westerners, and rightly so.