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Jesus is a universal master and his teachings- his real teachings that is - are meant for the whole of humanity, not just those who call themselves Christians. He aimed at teaching mankind a very simple way of connecting with God. This blog has been created to support this idea, and to reveal the similarities in between the different faiths of the world. Documents will be analysed, those supported by the Church and those not supported, and parallels made with other religious scriptures from Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam....Please visit regularly and leave your comments if you wish. Thank you for your interest.
Scroll down to bottom of page to view the selected bibliography for this study of Jesus' life. This blog also hosts a series of video documents, all pertinent to Jesus' life and teachings. Take the time to go through the entries and find out for yourself.
very good blog, congratulations
regard from Catalonia Spain
thank you
Let me ask you this question: When you happened to be famous, and the crowds in your hometown started to wonder each other, "Is this not him the son of so and so, whose parents we know exactly?", what initial knowledge about you do you think this wonder was based on?
When Jesus became famous, the crowds wondered, "Is this not Jesus the son of Joseph the carpenter?" On what previous knowledge about Jesus do you think they questioned? On the knowledge that Jesus was around his father all the time, helping his father making your wardrobe!
Jesus didn't have the lost years as the world speculated. He's there, helping his father making furnitures. He's not lost to India or Tibet or everywhere. Such thing is a mind-wandering of people who don't read bible with spirit but with mind. Lost in mind-wandering, like you.
Why I dare to tell you this? Because this is the truth Jesus spoke in my heart when I asked him: "Where were you actually, Lord, during those unwritten years?" So, why don't you start having conversations with Jesus and confirms with him what you have discovered in your mind-wandering, a habit we inherited from Cain as a punishment to his murdering sin.
Hello Grace,
Thank you for your comment...I do understand that you might be offended by some of the ideas on this blog...If that's the case, you should not read it.....
But you are right in saying that there are different ways in learning about things, or even about God, but the most important one is your own intuition....
I think you should watch the film in full if you want to know how the maker came across these 'ideas' of Jesus in India....
Perhaps it could be the 'mind' making it up...Or it could be something else....Not everyone working on such a subject do it exclusively with a "scientific mind"...
Sometimes they can work also from their own spiritual experiences...
I have my own but I don't share them here...Most of the scholars who worked on the subject also have their own spiritual experiences....these are not limited to one cultural group, race, or "chosen" number of people....It happens to anyone of us...
We are all spiritual beings, but it all depends on whether we trust our own experiences or not....
It's up to you to decide..If your heart told you that, then you should trust it!!
I understand that as Christians it may be hurting to listen these things but in that case I wish you don't read as Neel has rightly said. Because ultimately even Master Jesus does not want to brood on this but to be spiritual. But please take it from me that, as I learnt from my Gurus in India, almost every Hindu and Buddhist Yogis or the Spiritual Masters know the entire biography of Master Jesus not by reading Bible but out of their High Spiritual Realizations. And these yogis never publicize these things because the people of East are not too much interested in Historical facts but are rather interested in the Learning from the History. But the fact that Bible does not speak about the Lost Years of Jesus is a fact. And saying that an apostle of that stature was doing carpentry, catching fishes for a total of 13 years demeans the spiritual personality of Master Jesus. Masters do not waste even a bit of their life time. That is the reason he is the Master and we are not.
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